by Dallas Downing. The RoboNav team saw many changes in 2020. The spring semester saw the completion of the third iteration of Jessiii, the robot designed for IGVC (read more here). It also saw the team change its name from IGVC to RoboNav to reflect a shift in focus from a specific competition to autonomous…
Month: January 2021

RoboRacing – January 2021 Update
by Evan Bretl. Despite the challenges brought on by the pandemic, RoboRacing has continued to move forward on its goals and invest in the future of the team. Both the Electric Vehicle Grand Prix (EVGP; normally held in April) and the International Autonomous Robot Racing Competition (IARRC; normally held in July) were canceled in 2020….
BattleBots – January 2021 Update
by Jonathan Spalten. Aside from the new member 2 lb program in Battlebots that we covered in our December issue, Battlebots subteams work on a variety of larger bots. This year our subteams of experienced members are working on combat robots in two weight classes: 12 lb hobbyweights and 30 lb featherweights. In this article,…

RoboWrestling – January 2021 Update
by Joe Spall. RoboJackets has participated in autonomous and RC Sumo competitions in California and Japan in the past as part of BattleBots. This semester RoboJackets has formed a separate team to compete in these competitions: RoboWrestling! For a quick recap, autonomous Sumo competitions involve two robots going head-to-head to localize and push their opponent…

RoboCup – January 2021 Update
by Kyla Qi. This semester saw a lot of progress for our RoboCup team. The international competition of the same name in which they compete is still on for 2021, but will be taking place online. Thanks to a new printed circuit board assembly (PCBA) sponsorship from ASEI and the hard work of our electrical…