by Dallas Downing This Fall was a productive semester for RoboNav. The team made great progress on Swervi, the newest IGVC robot, since plans for it started in the Spring of 2020. As the manufacturing and assembly are nearing completion, the team has also made great progress on the electrical components for the diagnostic system….
Month: January 2022
RoboCup – Fall Semester Update
by Kyla Qi RoboCup 2022 is 7 months away, and the team is hard at work tuning gameplay and building their second fleet. Having achieved a stable platform for the software team to test on, the electrical and mechatronics subteams are making good progress on the second fleet, with the intent of using the new…
RoboRacing – Fall Semester Update
Being the RoboJackets team with the first competition this school year, RoboRacing has been busy learning and improving! The team has been preparing to enter evGrand Prix Autonomous, the go-kart scale autonomous racing competition, starting all the way back in 2019 after the conclusion of Sparkfun AVC. This two year time frame gave the team…
RoboWrestling – Fall Semester Update
by Jonathan Spalten RoboWrestling has been busy the last semester designing their newest generation of 3 kg Sumo Bot, dubbed Spici. The biggest change with this new robot is that the plow is hinged. RoboJackets has iterated on a few plow designs throughout their history, beginning with a compound plow with a rigid aluminum section…
BattleBots – Fall Semester Update
by Jonathan Spalten If you’ve been reading the newsletter, you’d know that the 3lbers in BattleBots have been hard at work this past semester working on their 3lb robots and getting them ready for Motorama 2022 in February. These are not the only robots that BattleBots makes and have been working on. We’d like to…