RoboJackets’ work is made possible by the generous contributions monetary and in-kind donations of our industry partners, various Georgia Tech organizations, and individual donors.
Becoming a Sponsor
Robotics is at the forefront of technology, and our students work on cutting edge applications of artificial intelligence, electromechanical systems, and materials while supporting local Atlanta STEM efforts.
In order to continue to operate, RoboJackets relies on the generosity of individuals and organizations. We appreciate any support whether large or small, or monetary or in-kind.
If you would like to learn more about becoming a sponsor (as an individual or an organization) and the benefits this includes, please reach out to Brooklyn Heath, our treasurer and sponsorship chair, at All contributions are made to the Georgia Tech Foundation, a non-profit 501(c)(3) corporation.
For more information on our organization and specific benefits, you can view our current sponsorship packet, linked below.
Current Sponsors
Just one of the ways we try to give back to our supporters is to list them on our website. To those who support us, thank you!